DIY your CV + Cover Letter for free

Clone from github repo and run locally, then create unlimited variations of CV + Cover Letters fast and easy with the familiar markdown syntax. All data are stored and organized on your computer as markdown files only. No database needed.

4 Simple Steps to Your Perfect CV

  1. Paste job descriptions of the post you intend to apply
  2. Create a new CV (for the first time) or pick a CV version that scores the best
  3. Edit the CV in markdown based on keyword suggestions
  4. Download your CV in PDF format

Rest assured that all your data is stored ONLY on your local computer as markdown files.

Keyword Matching Score + Keyword Suggestions

CVizard is your personal CV wizard. Once you have pasted the job descriptions of the position you are applying for, the app will immdiately evalute your previous CVs and cover letters with the keywords from this job ad. Keyword matching scores will be provided for you to choose the most suitable versions to build upon your new CV and cover letter. As you are editing, the keyword score and keyword suggestions will be updated immediately for timely feedback.

Cover Letter Editor with Matching Design

For a professional look, you can also compose and download your cover letters with the same design and color scheme as your CVs. You can freely choose from a variety of suggested color schemes.

CVizard - Your Personal CV Wizard

Finding a job is a daunting task, CVizard is designed for developers to create the best tailored CV and cover letter for your perfect job fast and easy, with a little bit of magic touch : )

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